Re: VMware network segregation
You have to configure a firewall fro you local network to prevent this service. You can use Vmware vShield for your firewall.Cheers, Udin
View ArticleRe: Some basic esxi questions (how to's)
I can only say that what you've done in Windows doesn't make a lot of sense. It's almost a bug in Windows that it lets you configure this way, and ESXi is more sensible. Why would you need to avoid...
View ArticleRe: "Error 25005. Setup failed to generate the SSL keys." when upgrading to...
This worked for me. Copy openssl.exe to the directory you state above... What a PITA. Nick
View ArticleRe: re-attach VDP to new vCenter server
To add - while I get this error message, backup appears to be operating correctly. My VM's are still being backed up.I just don't know if I should ignore this message?
View ArticleRe: vmware vsphere ICM v5.1 beginners
Hello Scott!Appreciated and helpful, and have more expectations from you, as I see your posts.I am following your post where ever I see and its really helpful.Its hard for beginner like me to be on...
View ArticleRe: VCP Certification without vmware background
Many thanks for all the responses. They are all very helpful! Claudia, I completely agree with what you're saying. My goal is not really just to get certified, but also learn this. And yes, I am brand...
View ArticleRe: VMware Workstation 9: Could not open /dev/vmmon: No such file or directory
Yes I have, it also fails. Whenever I run that sudo vmware-modconfig --console --install-all command I simply get an Ubuntu crash midway and the process fails like the output I have in the original...
View ArticleVMWare Workstation - Can I protect snapshots from being recycled?
From what I understand, Workstation 9 recycles old snapshots. If that is correct, just curious if it's possible to protect some snapshots from being recycled? For instance, I create one right after I...
View ArticleConfiguration carte graphique Nvidia pour VMware WS9
Bonjour/Bonsoir, Je me permet de vous contacter car j'ai un problème d'écran noir / freeze sur l'une de mes deux machines virtuelles de manière régulière,VMware WS9 tourne sur windows 8 x64 avec comme...
View ArticleRe: Vsphere Esxi5.1- Blocking due to no free buffers in vmkernel.log
look at this article... VMware KB: Poor performance while deploying virtual machines over the network
View ArticleVMware Player logs path!
I would like to know if there is any other paths where WMware keeps logs from the guest virtual machine,if you copy files from guest to host a new folder is created in...
View ArticleRe: Unable to install the vSphere web client.
Minimum characters are 8, and your pw is 7. Try typing that password 2 times (i.e. 14 characters) or some other variation. If that doesn't work or you can't figure out the pw, you have the other...
View ArticleRe: ESXi 5.0 does not recognize 4TB storage array
Hi John,Thank you for your post. Since you've tested this solution, i will now go ahead and upgrade my HP P400 raid controller to P410 so that i can have one single 4Tb partition. A question for you -...
View ArticleRe: small linux vm to test network connectivity
Thanks maishsk, I really like Damn Small Linux (DSL) since the size is very small and it uses very minimal resources (CPU, RAM & hard disk space). Unfortunately, my favorite packet capture tool,...
View ArticleRe: Is vim-cmd supported on ESXi 5.x
Yes, vim-cmd is supported. I dont use vma, putty direct to the server works for me!
View ArticleRe: multi select drop list - Copy entries within
Hi Gbesta - Thanks for the above suggestion. We have a mutli value qd field (qd type/reference -people), What my objective is when the Multi value field is populated by the customer i would like to...
View ArticleMigrate vCenter Server 5.1 to new cluster
I have my vCenter Server (v5.1) VM on an old cluster of ESXi 4.1/5.0 hosts. I only have vSwitches on each of these hosts. I now have a new cluster of ESXi 5.1 hosts that are managed by this same...
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