I just tried it and was unable to reproduce your problem. One thing I notice though is on p.20 of the IOAnalyzer User's Guide (Collecting a vSCSI Trace), the command in step#7 misses an output redirection symbol ('>'). The correct command should be
vscsiStats -e <temporary-file-name> ><trace-file-name.csv>
After the command, please use text editor to examine the CSV output file content, which should start from the following line:
#Vscsi Cmd Trace. (Trace Format Version 2)
followed by the definitions of each column:
#Command Type,Serial Number,IO Data Length,Num SG Entries,LBN,Time Stamp (microseconds),Command Latency (microseconds)
The 4 line snippets you posted seem to be in the correct format. So please simply make sure the output redirection symbol is added to your "vscsiStats -e" command and it should work.